We go to meet the sunrise -- before the sunrise; one may go earlier, at 4:00 or 5:00 a.m., and meditate and pray in silence.  These are the most powerful hours for prayer and meditation.  Some of the early disciples would go very early to the peak of prayer and pray and meditate in silence.

It is beautiful when a violinist awakens the group by playing a song early in the morning (STANI, STANI or RENEN CHEZ), thirty to forty-five minutes before sunrise.  Everyone goes to the peak of prayer in silence and sits or stands there facing east, in silence.  No one talks.  When the sun is visibly rising, all people stand up and greet the risen sun by raising their right hand.  It is very important to concentrate oneself and to be awake (alert) to see the first ray of sunlight.  We wait for the entire sun to be visible, and then we begin the prayers.  If it is misty or cloudy and we see that we are not going to be able to see the sunrise, then we begin the prayers at the time at which the sunrise is determined to be in that location.

One person has been chosen to guide the prayer.  This person guides the prayer the whole day.  This person has to be spiritual and it is good for them to pray for Divine guidance in how to lead the prayer.  Everyone may learn to lead the prayers; however, it takes time to learn how to do this and to pray for guidance.

Usually we begin the prayers with a spiritual song, such as MAHAR BENU ABA, DUHAT BOZHI, IZGRYAVA SLUNSETO, or one of the Vataan songs -- one of the most profound songs.

Then a prayer, for example THE GOOD PRAYER, or one of the profound prayers such as PRAYER OF THE KINGDOM, PATH OF LIFE, BROTHERHOODFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, TRIUNE GOD (TRINITY), SMALL PRAYER, often followed by  silent prayer.

Then some formulas and perhaps some Psalms, such as 91, 23, etc.  One may include more songs -- three or four, or five.  There is no rule about how many songs, prayers, and formulas.  This depends on the person who is guidng the prayers and the guidance they receive.  Usually we begin with song, yet this is not obligatory.  One may begin with prayer.

When we have said some prayers, the person leading reads a lecture of the Master.  If in the lecture there is a reference to a Bible verse, we read this and then begin the lecture.  When the lecture is finished, the person guiding us leads in the singing of a song.  Then usually we say THE LORD'S PRAYER.  (This prayer is usually said toward the end of the prayers.)  Usually the prayers conclude with the Formula of the Brotherhood:  "May God be glorified in the White Brotherhood and the white brothers be glorified in the Love of God."  (x3)


Exactly at 12:00 noon, lunch was served and we said THE LORD'S PRAYER and the formula "The Love of God brings fullness of life."  (3x)  Then we began to eat.  We said the formula again at the end of the meal.


The evening prayer follows the same form as the  morning prayer , only without the lecture.  We usually gathered at 8:00 p.m.


We would gather in the morning, usually after the  Morning Prayer  or after breakfast; however, not later than 10:00 a.m., to do the Six Exercises and then immediately begin the Paneurhythmy.  (There were no special prayers before it.)  In the mountains, the distance could be far, so the time would vary.  We must be flexible.  After the Paneurhythmy, we would sing several songs, usually about three songs.   These were joyful songs -- Svetul Den, Svetel Luch, and others.  Sometimes we would sing a profound and beautiful hymn, such as the HYMN OF THE GREAT SOULS.  The selection of songs is determined by the day and the musicians.

On Sundays, we would read one more lecture at 10:00 a.m.

If someone had a special gathering or meeting (not at sunrise), and they would like to read a lecture, they may follow the order as for the  morning prayer .  One may read a full lecture; or, for certain groups, one may read an excerpt, or share a reading from the SACRED WORDS.

-- Dictated by Maria Mitovska to Phyllis Thorpe - August 2008

"Prayer means to be able
to forget the world,
to forget people,
to forget everything
and to think only of God."

  # 1581  

-  Beinsa Douno    
( Peter Deunov )
1864 -1944  
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